Thank you to the following generous donors who have made a contribution to HFLA in 2022:
Les & Tracy Ames
Val & Irina Arustamov
David & Tamar Bakyoni
Philip & Lori Barer
Jonathan & Heidi Barnett
Shirley Barnett
Matt & Sherri Barkoff
Paul Becker in memory of Ellen Becker
Rodney Benson
Jeremy Berger
Joan Berlow
Beth Tikvah Rabbi Fund
Shawn & Desiree Bleet
Jeff & Samara Bordan
Jack Boxer
Brian & Dalia Bressler
Stanley Brosgall
Adi Bunim
Chana Charach
Gary & Linda Cohen
Helio Lopes Da Costa
Harvey & Jody Dales
Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation
Diamond Foundation
Danielle & Michelle Dodek
Morton & Irene Dodek
Mannie & Armelle Drucker
Charles & Laura Duhan Kaplan
Harvey Field & Randa Bloom
Wendy Fouks
Hannah Frankel
Chris Friedrichs
Susan Fugman
Leana Gaerber
Charles Gillman
Monty & Marcy Glanzberg
Sima Godfrey
David Goldman
Morris Gordon
Lorne Greenberg
Roni & Chen Greif
Leanne Hazon
Barbara Heller
Kenneth Hemmerick
Dennis Hoffman
Lauren Hershfield & Jeff Silver
Arlene James
Max & Bayle James
Sandy James
Eli Jospeh
Lynn Kagan
Kahn Foundation
Ida Kaplan
Odie Kaplan
Sharon Kates
David Kauffman
Sam Khalifa
Saul Khalifa
Tamar Khalifa
Russ Klien & Deborah Youngson
Ethel Kofsky
Robert & Marilyn Krell
Stacey & Jory Levitt
Lohn Foundation
Maureen Mansoor
Robert & Elke Mermelstein
Larry & Tyla Meyer
Jack Micner
Ken & Debra Miller
Evelyn Neaman & Steve Herman
Jessic Neville
Judy Oberlander & Mark Wexler
Neil & Michelle Pollock
Lionel Raber
Elana Ribakov
Avron Ritch
Fran Ritch
Jeff & Linda Rothberg
Harley Rothstein & Eleanor Boyle
Barbara Reubanenko
Anita Rudolph
Jack Saunders
Nathan Schaffer
Stephen Schecter
Chad & Simona Seguin
Schwartzman Financial Corporation
Richard & Ilana Sebba
Jenn Shecter & Jeff Balin
Olga Shipillo
Gloria Smith
Shael Smith
Phylis & Irving Snider Foundation
Beverly Spring
Eve Sonner
Barry & Ronnie Tessler
Arthur Toft
Dina Wachtel
Allan & Joanna Wasel
Joshua Wenner
Henriette & Leonard White Endowment Loan Fund
Sherri Wise
Sandy Wohl
Philip & Corrine Yacht
Elaine Youngson
Ted Zacks & Linda Mann
If you donated in 2023 and your name does not appear on this list, please reach out to us at so that we can apologize and remedy the situation.
Donations received in 2024 will be listed here in January of 2025.