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JFS Partnership Loan Program

Description: This is a special loan program just for JFS clients. Applications must be completed together with a JFS case worker.  


Maximum Loan Amount Available: $500 - $1,000 depending on the circumstances. 


Guarantor Requirements: None


Repayment Terms: 


Loans of $500 are repayable at a rate of $20 per month for 25 months
Loans of $600 are repayable at a rate of $24 per month for 25 months
Loans of $700 are repayable at a rate of $28 per month for 25 months
Loans of $800 are repayable at a rate of $32 per month for 25 months
Loans of $900 are repayable at a rate of $36 per month for 25 months
Loans of $1,000 are repayable at a rate of $40 per month for 25 months


Apply today by reaching out to your JFS case worker.


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